Feed My Fishy is a servo-motor driven device that is triggered by a POST request that controls a function delivered by the Particle cloud through the Particle Photon.
DISCLAIMER : This video is a boomerang. The device only functions once at the click of a web-enabled button.
The device must be assembled in a way that the food is at a higher level and in a container that can drop a teaspoon of fish-food when the lever moves from 0°-90° degrees and back.
While at 0 degrees, the servo arm has a stick and a small piece of cardboard that is blocking the container's opening.
The servo-lever will only commence movement upon calling the function from the Particle cloud.
This project could even be successful with the use of an arduino connected to the computer or with a WiFi shield. However, the ease and simplicity of the Particle Photon is what made it a complete success.
The Photon is a WiFi developement kit that based on Cypress's WICED architecture, combines a powerful STM32 ARM Cortex M3 microcontroller and a Cypress Wi-Fi chip.
A simple webpage.
A simple HTML document that uses the power of HTML5's form : action property can trigger the cloud to communicate to the photon that it has to run a certain function that has already been fed to it.
During this project the Photon had been rechristened 'Alexander' for the sanity of his master - The Blue Betta - 'Theodore'.
So here we have it. Just a web-controlled fish feeder. No biggie.
DISCLAIMER : This video is a boomerang. The device only functions once at the click of a web-enabled button.